Zepp Life App Review

  • Our Rating: 1 / 5

Updated 04-14-2023

Version 6.7.1
Google Play Downloads 121,078,776
Developer Anhui Huami Information Technology Co.,Ltd.
Screenshot From Our Zepp Life Review


Looking for an all-in-one solution for your fitness tracking needs? Look no further than Zepp Life! This app, developed by Xiaomi, is a comprehensive health and fitness tracker that offers a range of features and capabilities.


Track Your Activities

Zepp Life allows you to track a wide range of physical activities, including running, walking, cycling, and swimming. The app uses your phone's sensors to provide you with accurate data on your movement, distance, and speed.

Monitor Your Heart Rate

The app can also track your heart rate throughout the day and during exercise. This is essential for monitoring your overall health and ensuring that you are exercising at the appropriate intensity.

Track Your Sleep

Zep Life also offers sleep tracking functionality, allowing you to monitor your quality and duration of sleep. This feature can help you identify any patterns or issues that may be affecting your sleep quality and help you make necessary changes to improve it.

Detailed Fitness Reports

The app generates detailed reports on your activity, sleep, and heart rate data. This information can help you gain insights into your fitness and health trends over time, allowing you to make informed decisions about your lifestyle habits.


User-Friendly Interface

Zepp Life is easy to navigate and use, even for those who are new to fitness tracking.

Comprehensive Tracking Features

The app offers a range of features for tracking your physical activity, heart rate, and sleep. It provides users with a complete picture of their fitness and health levels.

Detailed Insights

The reports generated by the app are highly detailed and provide valuable insights into fitness and health trends. These reports can help users make informed decisions about their lifestyle habits and exercise routines.


Syncing Issues

Some users have reported issues with syncing data from the app to other devices, which can be frustrating for those who want to view their data on multiple platforms.

App Crashes

There have been reports of the app crashing or freezing, which can disrupt users' workout tracking.

Comparison to Similar Apps

Compared to other health and fitness tracking apps on the market, Zepp Life offers a comprehensive range of features for users. It tracks physical activity, heart rate, and sleep, providing valuable insights into fitness and health levels. While there may be some issues with syncing and stability, these can be resolved with future updates to the app.

Tips for Using the App

  • Make sure to wear your fitness tracker as instructed for accurate data collection.
  • Set goals based on your fitness level and gradually increase your activity level over time.
  • Utilize the app's workout tracking features for more accurate data and to monitor progress.


Overall, Zepp Life is a highly recommended health and fitness tracking app for Android users. Its comprehensive tracking features offer valuable insights into fitness and health trends, making it an excellent tool for anyone looking to improve their overall wellness. Though there are some issues with syncing and stability, these can be resolved in future updates.