Step Counter - Pedometer App Review

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  • Step Counter - Pedometer
  • Our Rating: 5 / 5

Updated 04-19-2023

Version 1.2.9
Google Play Downloads 78,516,376
Developer Leap Fitness Group
Screenshot From Our Step Counter - Pedometer Review


If you're looking for an app to track your steps, look no further than Step Counter - Pedometer. This app, available on Android devices, is designed to help you keep track of your daily step count and overall level of activity. With features like automatic tracking and calorie counting, this app is a great tool for anyone trying to stay active and healthy.


Automatic Tracking

One of the most convenient features of Step Counter - Pedometer is its automatic tracking feature. This app uses your phone's built-in sensors to keep track of your steps throughout the day. You don't need to turn it on or off; it simply runs in the background and keeps track of your progress.

Calorie Counting

In addition to tracking your steps, Step Counter - Pedometer also calculates the number of calories you burn throughout the day. This is especially helpful if you're trying to lose weight or maintain a certain level of activity. The app takes into account your age, weight, and height to give you the most accurate estimate possible.

Weekly & Monthly Reports

Step Counter - Pedometer provides weekly and monthly reports to help you gauge your progress over time. These reports show your step count, distance traveled, and calorie burn over a specified period. This can be a great motivator if you're trying to reach a certain goal or just want to see how far you've come.

Daily Goal Setting

You can set a daily step goal within the app to help keep yourself accountable. Once you set your goal, the app will track your progress throughout the day and let you know when you've reached your target. This can be a great way to stay motivated and on track with your fitness goals.


Step Counter - Pedometer allows you to customize your profile to fit your personal needs. You can input your weight, height, and age to get more accurate step and calorie count estimates. You can also choose the type of activity you're doing (e.g. walking, running, hiking) for more specific tracking.


Easy to use

Step Counter - Pedometer is incredibly easy to use. There's no need to fumble around with complicated settings or menus; the app does all the hard work for you. Just open the app, and you're ready to go.

Accurate step counting

The app's automatic tracking feature is highly accurate, and there's no need to worry about manual input errors. The step count is updated in real-time, so you always have an accurate estimate of your activity level.

Customizable goals

Step Counter - Pedometer allows you to set your own daily step goal, making it easy to challenge yourself and stay motivated. The app also takes into account your personal information, such as age and weight, to provide more accurate calorie burn estimates.


May drain battery

As with any app that uses your phone's sensors, Step Counter - Pedometer may drain your battery faster than usual. However, this is a minor drawback that can be easily remedied by charging your phone more frequently.

No social sharing options

Unlike some other fitness apps, Step Counter - Pedometer doesn't offer any social sharing options. This means you can't share your progress with friends or family on social media platforms. However, this may not be a dealbreaker for everyone.

Comparison to Similar Apps:

Step Counter - Pedometer is one of many fitness apps available on Android devices. Compared to other step trackers, this app is generally easier to use and offers more accurate step counting. While it doesn't have as many advanced features as some other fitness apps, it's a great option for anyone looking for a simple yet effective way to track their daily activity level.

Tips for Using the App:

If you're new to using a pedometer, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of Step Counter - Pedometer:

  • Make sure to input your personal information accurately for more accurate results.
  • Set a daily step goal that's challenging but achievable.
  • Check your weekly and monthly reports often to see your progress over time.
  • Charge your phone more frequently if you notice that the app is draining your battery.
  • Enjoy the simplicity of the app and don't worry too much about the details!


Overall, Step Counter - Pedometer is a great choice for anyone looking for an easy-to-use step tracker. While it doesn't have as many advanced features as some other fitness apps, it offers accurate step counting and calorie burn estimates, customizable goals, and convenient automatic tracking. The minor drawbacks, such as potential battery drain and lack of social sharing options, are outweighed by the app's simplicity and effectiveness. We highly recommend giving Step Counter - Pedometer a try!