Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker App Review

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  • Our Rating: 5 / 5

Updated 05-11-2023

Version 9.25.1
Google Play Downloads 106,111,937
Developer Flo Health Inc.
Screenshot From Our Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker Review


Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker is a highly-rated app designed for women to track their menstrual cycle, ovulation, and fertility. This app has been developed by IGGY Media and is available in the Health & Fitness category of the Google Play Store. The app's ID is org.iggymedia.periodtracker.


Period Tracking

The app allows you to keep track of your menstrual cycle accurately. You can log the start and end dates of your period, the intensity of the flow, and any symptoms you might be experiencing such as cramps or headaches. The app uses this data to predict your next period and notify you when it is due.

Ovulation Tracking

Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker lets you keep track of your fertility, including predicting ovulation and alerting you to your most fertile days so that you can plan accordingly. You can record basal body temperature changes, mucus thickness, and cervical position to provide accurate predictions.

Pregnancy Mode

If you get pregnant or choose to conceive, you can switch to Pregnancy Mode within the app to monitor your pregnancy's progress. You can enter details about your gestation, weight gain, and much more for a detailed overview of your pregnancy journey.

Health Insights

The app offers insights on reproductive health and wellness, including personalized tips based on your profile and menstrual data. It educates you on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and informs you why tracking your period is important.


User-Friendly Interface

Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker offers an intuitive user interface with a modern design, making it easy to navigate and understand. Its color scheme is soothing and pleasant to the eye.

Accurate Predictions

The app utilizes complex algorithms to provide accurate predictions for periods, ovulation, and fertility. It uses machine learning to personalize its predictions based on your data

Pregnancy Support

If you're pregnant or actively trying to conceive, Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker has you covered with its Pregnancy mode, offering a whole new range of options that work for your needs.


Premium Features Come at a Cost

Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker offers Premium features in exchange for payment. While the free version is fantastic for personal use, some features are only available through the purchase of a subscription.

Social Platform Integration

The integration of social platform interactions within the app can be annoying for some users who don't want to share their ovulation window or menstrual cycle with anyone. Still, this feature can be handy for those who want community support and motivation.

Comparison to Similar Apps

Gig Life

Gig Life sets itself apart from Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker by having features like an encrypted chat network for women to discuss their menstrual cycles and secured storage for health records.

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Maya is quite similar to Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker in terms of features but lacks personalized tips that can improve your reproductive health and wellbeing. Besides, Maya isn't user-friendly and pleasurable to use as Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker.

Tips for Using the App

Confidence In the App's Data

Some women may not trust the app's predictions. Still, it's important to understand that the more data entries you add over time, the more personalized and accurate the predictions get.

Consult the App for Birth Control Methods

Based on your input data and tracked cycle, the app can suggest the most suitable form of birth control for you. Please consult a healthcare provider before trying any suggested method.


Overall, Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker is a remarkable app for women who want to take control of their reproductive health. It provides detailed insights into menstrual cycles, fertility, and pregnancy, all while supporting users with valuable tips and support. While some premium features require subscription payments and the app encourages social platform interactions by default, it remains an excellent choice for those looking to track their periods and ovulation accurately.