ClassDojo App Review

  • Our Rating: 5 / 5

Updated 05-16-2023

Version 5.83.3
Google Play Downloads 36,927,530
Developer ClassDojo
Screenshot From Our ClassDojo Review


If you're a teacher or a parent who wants to stay connected with your students' progress in school, ClassDojo is an app that you should definitely try. This app, developed by ClassDojo Inc., is designed to help teachers and parents communicate and collaborate in real-time. With ClassDojo, you can easily keep track of your students' behavior, grades, and activities, and share this information with parents in a secure and user-friendly manner.


Behavior Tracking

One of the main features of ClassDojo is its behavior tracking system, which allows teachers to monitor their students' behavior throughout the school day. Teachers can create custom behavior categories, such as "following instructions," "participation," or "positive attitude," and reward or deduct points accordingly. This helps teachers to identify patterns of behavior and work with their students to improve their overall performance.

Instant Messaging

ClassDojo also has a built-in messaging feature that lets you communicate with parents and other teachers in real-time. You can send messages, files, and photos to individual or group chats, and receive notifications when new messages arrive. This is a great way to keep parents informed about their child's progress, ask questions, or share feedback about their child's behavior or academic performance.


The gradebook feature in ClassDojo allows teachers to record and share attendance, grades, and scores for individual assignments and assessments. These grades can be customized based on your school's grading system, and are accessible to both teachers and parents 24/7. This makes it easy to track progress over time and pinpoint areas where students need extra help.

Classroom Management

ClassDojo also provides a variety of classroom management tools, like random student selection or delayed questioning. Teachers can also print reward slips and easily engage students with custom Dojocast TV’s.


User-Friendly Interface

ClassDojo has an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy for teachers and parents to navigate. Its main features are located on the main dashboard, so you can quickly access important information without having to search through multiple menus.

Free to Use

ClassDojo is completely free to use, with no hidden costs or fees. This makes it an accessible and budget-friendly tool for both teachers and parents who want to stay connected and informed about their students' progress in school.

Cross-Device Compatibility

ClassDojo can be used on any device with an internet connection, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktop computers. This means that parents can receive updates and notifications on-the-go, and teachers can update grades or behavior scores from anywhere.


Privacy Concerns

Some users may be concerned about the privacy and security of their data when using ClassDojo. While the app does have built-in security measures to protect against unauthorized access, parents should still exercise caution when sharing personal information, such as phone numbers or email addresses, with teachers or other parents.

Can Be Time-Consuming

Using ClassDojo effectively can be time-consuming, especially if you have many students or are constantly updating grades or behavior scores. Teachers may need to dedicate extra time to inputting data, communicating with parents, or creating custom behavior categories. However, the benefits of staying connected with parents and engaging students may outweigh the extra time and effort required.


While there are many education apps on the market, few offer the comprehensive suite of features that ClassDojo does. Google Classroom is another popular education app, but it focuses more on assignment management and communication within the classroom rather than behavior tracking or gradebooks. Another app, Remind, functions as a communication tool between teachers and parents, but lacks the smart tools that ClassDojo provides.

Tips for Using ClassDojo

1. Create Custom Behavior Categories

By creating custom behavior categories, you can tailor ClassDojo to fit your specific classroom needs. Try creating categories that focus on different aspects of behavior or academic performance, like "group work," "reading comprehension," or "homework completion."

2. Encourage Parent Participation

ClassDojo works best when both teachers and parents are involved in the process. Encourage parents to download the app and stay engaged by rewarding positive behavior or sharing frequent updates.

3. Use Data to Drive Improvement

Make sure to regularly review your students' behavior scores and academic performance using ClassDojo. Use this data to develop individualized plans that can help improve student engagement and success.


Overall, ClassDojo is an exceptional app that offers many powerful features that can transform the way you teach and interact with parents. Its intuitive interface, cross-device compatibility, and comprehensive tools make it one of the best education apps on the market. While there may be some concerns about privacy and time-management, the benefits of using ClassDojo far outweigh any potential drawbacks. Whether you're a teacher or a parent, ClassDojo is definitely worth checking out.