Clap phone finder App Review

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  • Our Rating: 4 / 5

Updated 04-25-2022

Version 8.2
Google Play Downloads 11,395,795
Developer devsoftapp
Screenshot From Our Clap phone finder Review


Have you ever misplaced your phone at home and spent hours searching for it? Well, with Clap phone finder, the search is over! This Android app,, falls under the Entertainment genre, but it's certainly more practical than just another game app. Clap phone finder allows you to find your phone quickly with a simple clap, eliminating the need to rummage through your home or office looking for it.


Clap Detection

The primary feature of Clap phone finder is its clap detection function. The app uses the microphone on your device to listen for claps, and when it hears one, it triggers an alarm on your phone, helping you locate it. This feature is incredibly handy for finding a misplaced phone around the house, especially if it's on silent, as users never have to worry about the phone being out of earshot, thanks to the app's sensitivity settings.

Adjustable Sensitivity

The app comes with adjustable sensitivity settings to ensure that it doesn't trigger the alarm unnecessarily. A user can choose the level of sensitivity that's right for them, depending on their environment, and personal preferences--from sensitive to less sensitive.

Custom Alarm

Not only does the app set off an alarm when a clap is detected, but users can also customize the alarm sound to their liking, making it easier to distinguish from the usual ringtones and notifications that come with their phone, and adding a touch of personalization.

Auto Start

This feature ensures that the app starts as soon as the device boot, meaning you don't have to remember to turn it on each time you restart your phone, eliminating the chance of missing an alarm.


Ease of Use

The app is incredibly easy to use. Users just have to open Clap phone finder and adjust the sensitivity settings to their liking, and then clap to set the alarm off. It's that simple!


The simplicity of the app is part of its charm. It doesn't come with a lot of bells and whistles and is ready to use right after installation.


This app is also entirely customizable. From the alarm sound to the sensitivity settings, users can customize Clap phone finder to their liking, making it easier for them to find their phone.



Sometimes the app can misfire, setting off an alarm when there wasn't any clap, but those are rare issues, and a quick adjustment to the sensitivity settings usually solves the problem.

Battery life drain

Running Clap phone finder in the background can sometimes put a strain on a user's device, causing accelerated battery life drains, but it's barely noticeable, and you can always disable the feature when the app isn't needed

Comparison to Similar Apps

There are other similar apps like Whistle Phone Finder, ShoutOut, and ClapPhoneFinder, but none of them offers the simplicity and customization of Clap phone finder. They can be a bit more complicated for new users, and their alarm sounds are not very customizable.

Tips for Using the App

• Adjust the sensitivity settings based on your environment
• Customize the alarm sound to your liking
• Enable auto-start to ensure that the app starts as soon as you turn on your device
• Silence or disable the app if it's not needed


Clap phone finder is a handy app for those who are prone to misplacing their phone or have a big house or office where it can be challenging to find a phone. Its simplicity, customization options, and ease of use make it stand out from similar apps. While sometimes misfires and battery life drains can be a problem, these are rare issues that don't detract from the usefulness of the app. Overall, it's a highly recommended app for Android users.